Opening hours
- 7 years old
Excluding school holidays zone A:
Sunday from 10am to 1pm
School Holiday zone A:
Saturday from 10am to 1pm
Sunday from 10am to 1pm
+ 7 years old
Excluding school holidays zone A:
Monday from 12pm to 2pm
Friday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Saturday from 4pm to 8pm
Sunday from 3pm to 7pm
School Holiday zone A:
Tuesday from 4pm to 8pm
Wednesday from 4pm to 8pm
Thursday from 4pm to 8pm
Friday from 4pm to 8pm
Saturday from 3pm to 7pm
Sunday from 3pm to 7pm
+ 18 year old
Excluding school holidays zone A:
Thursday from 7pm to 9:30pm
Association membership: €10 (compulsory, first entry free)
Entrance: €5
Entrance Monday lunchtime, Thursday and Friday (excluding school holidays): €3
10-entry card: €40
6-month card: €110
Annual card: €190
Helmet required for 🔞,
Bring your own equipment.
Free session from 7 years old.
Sunday morning: 4-7 years old.
Pegs prohibited.
Respect yourself.
And above all, have fun.